- Dr Yutaku Kita
- Department of Engineering
- King's College London
- Strand, London WC2R 2LS
- Room S2.23
- E-mail: yutaku.kita@kcl.ac.uk
- Web: kita-thermofluids.com
Yutaku Kita, PhD
Lecturer in Engineering
Department of Engineering
Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences
King's College London
Visiting Assistant Professor
International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (WPI-I2CNER)
Kyushu University
1/2023 – present | Lecturer Department of Engineering, King's College London |
1/2023 – present | Visiting Assistant Professor International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (WPI-I2CNER), Kyushu University |
4/2019 – 12/2022 | WPI Assistant Professor International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (WPI-I2CNER), Kyushu University |
1/2019 – 12/2022 | Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kyushu University |
4/2017 – 12/2018 | JSPS Young Research Fellow |
6/2017 – 11/2017 | Visiting Postgraduate Student Institute for Multiscale Thermofluids, University of Edinburgh Supervisor: Prof Khellil Sefiane |
9/2016 – 3/2017 | Visiting Scholar Department of Mechanical Engineering, Univerisity of Maryland, College Park Supervisor: Prof Jungho Kim |
4/2016 – 11/2018 | Doctor of Engineering (PhD) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kyushu University Thesis: Induction of Interfacial Gradients to generate drop motion and internal flows Supervisor: Prof Yasuyuki Takata |
4/2014 – 3/2016 | Master of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kyushu University Thesis: Study on Evaporation and Internal Convection of Sessile Drops Using IR Thermography Supervisor: Prof Yasuyuki Takata |
4/2012 – 3/2014 | Bachelor of Engineering Advanced Course of Mechanical and Electronical Engineering, National Institute of Technology (KOSEN*), Miyakonojo College Thesis: Study on Heat Transfer Characteristicso of Falling-Film Type Heat Exchangers Supervisor: Prof Hiroyuki Shiraiwa |
4/2007 – 3/2012 | Associate Degree (equivalent) Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology (KOSEN*), Miyakonojo College *KOSEN is a Japanese college system which provids variety of programmes (mostly engineering focused) of 5 years (+ 2 years for a Bachelor degree) of study at a collegiate level. |
Awards & Honours
- AUTSE Young Scientist Award, Asian Union of Thermal Science and Engineering, 2023
- Outstanding Presentation Award, The 66th National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (66th NCTAM), Japan, 2022
- Young Researcher Award, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME), 2022
- Young Researcher Award, Heat Transfer Society of Japan (HTSJ), 2020
- Outstanding Presentation Award, The 55th National Heat Transfer Symposium of Japan, Heat Transfer Society of Japan, 2018
- Best Poster Presentation Award, The 10th International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer (ICBCHT2018), 2018
- Repayment exemption of scholarship loan for students who have achieved an especially excellent record, Japan Student Service Organization (JASSO), 2017
- Kyushu University Scholarship for Doctoral Students, Kyushu University, 2016
- TOBITATE! Young Ambassador Programme (Japan Public-Private Partnership Student Study Abroad Programme), Ministy of Educationm, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan, 2016
- Repayment exemption of scholarship loan for students who have achieved an especially excellent record, Japan Student Service Organization (JASSO), 2016
- International Conference Travel Grant, Kyushu University, 2016
- Miura Award, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME), 2016
- Special Award, National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Miyakonojo College, 2014
- Outstanding Poster Award, The 8th International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics (8th ISEM), 2013
Research Interest
- Drops / Droplets
- Multiphase flows
- Phase change heat transfer (boiling, evaporation, condensation)
- Wetting and interfacial phenomena
Academic Memberships
- American Physical Society
- American Chemical Society
- Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Heat Transfer Society of Japan
Research Statement
My research is centred in fundamental problems in thermofluids coupling multiphase flows, interfacial phenomena, wetting and phase change heat trasnfer, primarily for systems involving droplets and bubbles. To better understand these problems, I develop and apply experimental techniques to capture new phenomena at various time and spatial scales. I also utilise theory and simulations to rationalise our experimental findings. My research is driven by a desire to develop more efficient energy systems, manufacturing, thermal management of electronics and biochemical processes.
-Why is this important?-
These are major challenges. Phase change has been known to offer the most efficient heat transfer characteristics; however, the complexity of the phenomena limits the applications. Better understanding the coupling of multiphase flow, wetting and phase change will enable us to improve the energy efficiency in various industrial sectors. For example, utilising dropwise condensation in steam power generation could reduce 20 million tons of CO2 globally. Better control of spray cooling could reduce 0.9 million tons of CO2 from steel manufacturing which is highly energy consuming. Moreover, energy consumption of data centres and power devices are expected to reach 20% of total global energy demand by 2030, and its 40% is spent for cooling the microchips. Phase change cooling is the last resort to aid thermal crisis of electronics and power devices and could reduce 19 million tons of CO2 annually. Furthermore, accurate models to predict the evaporation and resultant flows are essential for optimising coating and drying processes. In addition to improving current applications, my research also aims to develop novel droplet-based devices. For example, I have established a technique to transport droplets and control their flow by imposing wettability and thermal gradients. This method enables droplets to act as microreactors in microfluidic systems used for bioanalyis e.g. PCR testing.
In addition to conventional temperature sensing, I use / develop imaging techniques e.g. high-speed imaging, infrared thermography, interferometry, schlieren and fluorescent / phosphorescent techniques to obtain transient flow / temperature / concentration fields. These help to explore unseen phenomena, understand the mechanisms, and to validate theories / models of multiphase flows and heat transfer. I am an expert in wettability analysis using self-made or commercial (e.g. KRÜSS DSA) goniometers. I have also worked with microfabrication labs to make patterned surfaces and used MEMS heater arrays / temperature sensors. I have used an environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) to study phase change process at nano / micro scale. Furthermore, I am well experienced in surface characterisation usin SEM, laser conforcal microscopy, optical microscopy and profilometry. I also use COMSOL for simple numerical modelling to better interpret experimental observations.
-Past research projects-
Falling-Film Heat Exchangers: I developed a design formula for this type of heat exchangers. Heat transfer characteristics have been analysed both experimentally and theoretically. The heat exchanger has been commercialised for heat recovery from hot spring, geothermal utilisation and instant cooling of coffee.
Evaporation of Volatile Drops in Humid Environment: Effect of a secondary component in atmosphere e.g. moisture on the evaporation of organic solvent drops had been overlooked although it could be a source of prediction errors. I tackled this problem using infrared thermography and optical imaging. Adsorption, absorption and / or condensation of water into the drops was directly observed and quantified for the first time by gas chromatography. Finally, I proposed a model that accounts for vapour transfer to and from drops, which could assist in optimising inkjet and coating processes.
Wettability-Driven Drop Transport: Drop transport on surfaces has many potential applications such as self-cleaning, heat transfer and microfluidic devices. Wettability patterning is a passive way to drive drop motion; albeit limited successful report on spontaneous motion. I tested drop mobility on various combinations of wettability patterns fabricated via microtexturing. I proposed a universal theory to predict the criterion for spontaneous drop motion.
Controlling Thermocapillary Flows in Water Drops: Manipulating flows in drops are paramout to future microfluidic devices where drops act as microreactors. I succeeded, for the first time, to induce thermocapillary-driven vortices in pure water drops, the existence of which had been controversial. The flows are driven by localised heating with a laser. Infrared thermography revealed the nature of instabilities. I have also demonstrated to control flow velocity and direction by turning heating power and location.
-Ongoing research projects-
Droplet Impingement Cooling - from droplet to spray levels: Despite the highest cooling capacity it can offer, detailed mechanisms governing spray cooling are still far from understood. I collaborate with JFE Steel Corporation to investigate the fundamental process of wetting, heat transfer and evaporation of droplets impacting a heated surface. So far, I have provided a model to predict the transition from film boiling to nucleate boiling (termed as quenching in steel industry), which had been an open question for half a centry. Extending the knowledge derived from the droplet-level experiments to the spray level, I have successfully demonstrated to simulate thermal histories of steel plates until quenching. These findings will not only be a breakthrough into the optimisation of steelmaking process, but also informs the design of nuclear reactor and microelectronics.
Dropwise Condensation: Although dropwise condensation (DWC) offers much higher heat transfer coefficients than filmwise condensation (FWC), condensers used in power generation are operated in FWC. This is due to the poor understanding of the mechanism triggering a shift from DWC to FWC. Numerous researchers focus on droplet evolution without completing the task of quantifying resultant heat transfer. To address this shortage, I am developing a novel thermal imaging system based on phosphorescent principles, which allows to simultatneously capture both droplet behaviour and transient local temperatures.
-Future research directions-
Due to the complex, multiphysics, multiscale and transient nature, multiphase flows and heat transfer are far from understood. In addition to developing novel experimental techniques, I will design collaborative research with modelling experts to capture complete physical phenomena. Key questions I will tackle include:
- the interplay of hydrodynamics, heat and mass transfer, interfacial phenomena and wetting;
- nano / microscopic features;
- transient characteristics;
- and how they result in macroscopic performance.
-Research leadership-
My major publications are in top 10% journals in the field of thermofluids. I also serve as a reviewer of these journals. My research receives growing recognition such as awards by international and national academic societies and around 10 invited talks at international and national events.
Internationally, I am active in the field of phase change heat transfer research through internationa collaborations, mostly with Japan, US and EU-based institutions. I am a member of the cross-continental EU MSCA-RISE ThermaSMART Project. In December 2019, I organised an international symposium with ThermaSMART, hosting about 60 international experts in multiphase flow and heat transfer (UK: 18, US: 2, South Africa: 2, China: 2, Brazil: 1, Poland: 1, Ireland: 1, France: 1, Japan: 30). I am a regular contributor of Gordon Research Conference on Nano / Micro Phase Change Heat Transfer, UK Heat Transfer Conference (UKHTC), International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC), American Physical Society Divition of Fluid Dynamics (APSDFD), International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer (ICBCHT). I am a founding member, representing Japan (then), of Thermal Transport Café, which is a new virtual international community of thermal engineers coordinated with the support of MIT and National Science Foundation, US. I gave an invited talk at the second Thermal Transport Café virtual seminar in Feb 2021.
In Japan, I am an active member of Thermal Engineering Division of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) and Heat Transfer Society of Japan (HTSJ). My research has been recognised by these communities as demonstrated by being invited to speak at Seminar of Reseach Committee of Phase Change and Interface sponsored by JSME. I also received Young Researcher Awards by HTSJ in 2020 and by JSME in 2022. I have led the field of droplets in the communities. I am a founding organiser of the droplet session in JSME Thermal Engineering Conference in 2021, and I have also organised a similar session in National Heat Transfer Symposium in 2022 for the first time.
-Research network-
I collaborate both formally and informally with a wide variety of experts such as:
Experimental | Prof K. Sefiane, University of Edinburgh, UK Dr D. Orejon, University of Edinburgh, UK Prof J. Kim, University of Maryland, USA Dr A. Askounis, University of East Anglia, UK Prof Y. Takata, Kyushu University, Japan Prof M. Kohno, Kyushu University, Japan Prof Y. Tagawa, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan Dr B. Shen, University of Tsukuba, Japan |
Modelling | Prof P. Valluri, University of Edinburgh, UK Dr L. O'Naraigh, University College Dublin, Ireland Dr P. Theodorakis, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland |
Microfabrication | London Centre for Nanotechnology, UK Scottish Microelectronics Centre, UK TRUMPF (laser fabrication), Japan MEMS Lab, Kyushu University, Japan Prof F. Tsumori, Kyushu University, Japan Prof G. Nagayama, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan |
Coating | Dr C. Urata, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science (AIST), Japan Tosoh Corporation, Japan |
Energy | Prof M. Iwakuma, Research Institute of Advanced Electric Propulsion Aircrafts, Kyushu University, Japan Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, Japan |
Materials | JFE Steel Corporation, Japan |
Semiconductors | Toshiba Device & Storages, Japan |
Publications & Presentations
-Peer-reviewed papers-
- Y. Kita*, K. Kida, T. Ariyoshi, S. Hidaka, M. Kohno, and Y. Takata, "Thermal hysteresis in wettability and the Leidenfrost phenomenon," Physical Review Research, 6 (3), 033287, 12 Sept 2024. [WEB]
- K. E. Pang, C. Cuvillier, Y. Kita, and L. Ó Náraigh, "Flow stability in shallow droplets subject to localized heating of the bottom plate," Physical Review Fluids, 9 (1), 014003, 16 Jan 2024. [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, M. Nakamatsu, S. Hidaka, M. Kohno, and Y. Takata, "Quenching mechanism of spray cooling and the effect of system pressure," International Jounral of Heat and Mass Transfer, 190, 122795, 20 Mar 2022. [WEB]
- K. Tsukamoto, Y. Kita*, S. Inoue, H. Hamanosono, S. Hidaka, S. Ueoka, H. Fukuda, M. Kohno, and Y. Takata, "On the onset of quench during spray cooling: the significance of oxide layers," Applied Thermal Engineering, 179, 115682, 1 Oct 2020. [WEB] Editor's Choice!
- H. Zhang, Y. Kita, D. Zhang, G. Nagayama, Y. Takata, K. Sefiane, and A. Askounis, "Drop evaporation on rough hot-spots: effect of wetting modes," Heat Transfer Engineering, 41 (19-20), 1654-1662, 12 Aug 2019. [WEB]
- Y. Kita, C. Mackenzie Dover, A. Askounis, Y. Takata, and K. Sefiane "Drop mobility on superhydrophobic microstructured surfaces with wettability contrasts," Soft Matter, 14 (46), 9148-9424, 5 Nov 2018. [WEB]
- Y. Kita, Y. Okauchi, D. Orejon, M. Kohno, Y. Takata, and K. Sefiane, "Quantifying vapor transfer into evaporating ethanol drops in humid atmosphere," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20 (29), 19430-19440, 28 Jun 2018. [WEB]
- A. Askounis, Y. Kita, M. Kohno, Y. Takata, V. Koutsos, and K. Sefiane, "Influence of local heating on Marangoni flows and evaporation kinetics of pure water drops," Langmuir, 33 (23), 5666-5674, 16 May 2017. [WEB]
- Y. Kita, A. Askounis, M. Kohno, Y. Takata, J. Kim, and K. Sefiane, "Induction of Marangoni convection in pure water drops," Applied Physics Letters, 109 (17), 171602, 27 Oct 2016. [WEB]
- H. Shiraiwa, and Y. Kita, "Performance improvement of a falling-film-type heat exchanger by insertion of shafts with screw blade in a heat transfer tube," Applied Thermal Engineering, 102, 55-62, 5 Jun 2016. [WEB]
- Y. Fukatani, D. Orejon, Y. Kita, Y. Takata, J. Kim, and K. Sefiane, "Effect of ambient temperature and relative humidity on interfacial temperature during early stages of drop evaporation," Physical Review E, 93 (4), 043103, 1 Apr 2016. [WEB]
- H. Shiraiwa, and Y. Kita, "Heat transfer characteristics of falling-film-type heat exchanger," Transactions of the Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 39 (202), 1607-1610, 5 Jan 2014 (in Japanese). [WEB]
-Plenary & Keynote lectures
- Y. Kita*, "Predicting spray quenching: progress and challenges," The 17th International Heat Transfer Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 18 Aug 2023 (Plenary). [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, "Revealing liquid-vapor phase change and thermal flows in liquid drops via infrared thermography," The 48th National Symposium on Visualization, Webinar (Webex), Japan, 24-26 Sep 2020 (Keynote) (in Japanese). [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, "When does hot steel get quenched by sprayed water?," Sino-Japan-UK Frontiers in Phase Change Heat Transfer and Its Applications in Energy, Webinar (Zoom), Xi'an, China, 27-29 Jul 2020 (Keynote).
-Invited talks-
- Y. Kita*, "Predicting spray quenching: progress and challenges," The 15th International Electronic Cooling Technology Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, 26-27 Oct 2023.
- Y. Kita*, "Predicting spray quenching: some progress and challenges," Seminar at the University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, 5 Apr 2023. [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, "Prediction of heat transfer and quenching of spray cooling," The 16.5th Seminar of Research Committee on Phase Change and Interface, Webinar (Webex), Japan, 28 Apr 2022 (in Japanese). [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, "Quenching mechanisms of spray cooling — from single droplet to spray level," Thermal Transport Café Virtual Seminar, Webinar (Zoom), USA, 2 Feb 2021. [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, "Heat and mass transfer and hydrodynamics of drops," The 180th Institute Interest Seminar Series of the International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research, Webinar (Zoom), Japan, 29 Jul 2020. [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, "Evaporation and instabilities of sessile drops," The 6th Seminar of Research Committee on Phase Change and Interface, Webinar (Webex), Japan, 28 Apr 2020 (in Japanese). [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, "Evaporation, flows and instabilities," KAIST 177th Thermo-Fluid Colloquium, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejon, Republic of Korea, 30 Jan 2020.
- Y. Kita*, "Hydrothermal waves on evaporating sessile drops," TUAT Fluid Dynamics Seminar, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT), Tokyo, Japan, 16 Jan 2020. [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, "How water drops move on wettability contrasts: dynamics and a general expression based on the free energy," The 6th I2plus Workshop -Wetting and Related Phenomena-, Tokyo University of Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, 9 May 2019 (in Japanese).
- Y. Kita*, "Induction of drop motion and internal convections via interfacial gradients," FY2018 Seminar of the Heat Transfer Society of Japan: Kyushu Area, Kitakyushu, Japan, 13 Mar 2019 (in Japanese). [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, "Induction of drop motion and internal convections via interfacial gradients," First Annual ThermaSMART Workshop and International Symposium on Data Centre Cooling, Tianjin, China, 3-5 Dec 2018. [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, "Drop mobility on microtextured surfaces with wettability contrasts," The 122nd Institute Interest Seminar Series of the International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research, Fukuoka, Japan, 20 Apr 2018. [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, "Drop mobility on microtextured surfaces with wettability contrasts," HYDROGENIUS & I2CNER Joint Research Symposium on Thermal Issues for Hydrogen and New Refrigerants for Energy Systems, Fukuoka, Japan, 2 Feb 2018.
- Y. Kita*, "Effect of ambient water vapour on evaporation of volatile droplets," International Hydrogen Energy Development Forum 2015: Workshop on Thermal Issues for Hydrogen and Related Energy Systems, Fukuoka, Japan, 4 Feb 2016.
-International conferences, symposiums, workshops & seminars-
- Y. Kita*, "Thermal imaging of condensation using temperature sensitive paints," 10th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (ExHFT-10), Rhodes, Greece, 26-30 Aug 2024. [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, "Effect of the shape of point-heated water drops on the flow stability," 10th International Bifurcation and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics Symposium (BIFD2024), Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 24-28 Jun 2024. [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, T. Matsunaga, T. Ariyoshi, H. Fukuda, Y. Takata and M. Kohno, "Spray cooling of micropillared steel plates: Two-stage quenching phenomenon," 9th European Thermal Science Conference (EUROTHERM2024), Bled, Slovenia, 10-13 Jun 2024. [WEB]
- K. Tanii* and Y. Kita, "Hydrodynamic and thermal behavior of drops impacting hot surfaces near the Leidenfrost point," 76th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics (APSDFD2023), Washington DC, USA, 19-21 Nov 2023. [WEB]
- K. Thomson*, G. Karapetsas, Y. Kita, K. Sefiane, D. Orejon, and P. Valluri, "Transient growth stability analysis of evaporating sessile drops comprising binary mixtures," 76th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics (APSDFD2023), Washington DC, USA, 19-21 Nov 2023. [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, M. Kohno, and Y. Takata, "Prediction of quench: applicability of droplet model to spray cooling," The 8th Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF2023), Padova, Italy, 18-20 Sep 2023. [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, K. Matsushima, and T. Fukuoka, "Thermal imaging of condensation heat transfer using temperature sensitive paints," The 11th International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer (ICBCHT2023), Edinburgh, UK, 15-17 May 2023. [WEB]
- M. Kohno*, Y. Kita, M. Nakamatsu, S. Hiadaka, and T. Fukuoka, "Effect of surrounding pressure on spray cooling of hot surface," The 11th International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer (ICBCHT2023), Edinburgh, UK, 15-17 May 2023. [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, "Transient nature of spray cooling: some clues and open questions," Third ThermaSMART Workshop, Toronto, Canada, 24-25 Nov 2022. [WEB]
- K. Thomson*, A. G. Williams, G. Karapetsas, O. K. Matar, Y. Kita, K. Sefiane, D. Orejon, and P. Valluri "Transient growth stability analysis of evaporating sessile drops comprising binary mixtures," 75th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics (APSDFD2022), Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, 20-22 Nov 2022. [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, A. Kapoor, and K. Sefiane, "Vapour field between neighbouring sessile drops probed by background-oriented schlieren technique," 75th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics (APSDFD2022), Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, 20-22 Nov 2022. [WEB]
- K. Matsushima*, T. Uchimura, N. Sakoda, and Y. Kita, "Local and transient heat transfer measurement for dropwise condensation using temperature sensitive paints," The 13th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing (PSFVIP13), Tokyo, Japan, 7-10 Aug 2022. [WEB]
- K. Thomson*, A. Williams, G. Karapetsas, O. Matar, Y. Kita, K. Sefiane, and P. Valluri, "Stability of evaporating sessile drops comprising binary mixtures," The 17th UK Heat Transfer Conference (UKHTC2021), Online, Manchester, UK, 4-6 Apr 2022. [WEB]
- M. Kohno*, Y. Kita, K. Kida, M. Nakamatsu, S. Hidaka, and Y. Takata, "Investigation of quenching points in spray cooling of a hot surface," The Second Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences (2nd ACTS), Online, Fukuoka, Japan, 3-7 Oct 2021. [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, A. Kapoor, K. Sefiane, and Y. Takata, "Quantifying vapour field around evaporating sessile drops using background-oriented schlieren technique," Droplets 2021, Online, Darmstadt, Germany, 16-18 Aug 2021. [WEB]
- K. Thomson*, A. Williams, G. Karapetsas, O. Matar, Y. Kita, K. Sefiane, and P. Valluri, "Stability of evaporating drops comprising binary mixtures," Droplets 2021, Online, Darmstadt, Germany, 16-18 Aug 2021. [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, H. Zhang, A. Askounis, Y. Takata, and K. Sefiane, "Water drops evaporating on hot-spots: influence of contact angle on Marangoni instabilities," The Second Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference (PRTEC2019), Maui, Hawaii, USA, 13-17 Dec 2019. [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, H. Zhang, A. Askounis, Y. Takata, and K. Sefiane, "Thermocapillary-driven flows in pure water drops on a local hot-spot," Droplets 2019, Durham, UK, 16-18 Sep 2019. [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, D. Orejon, Y. Takata, and K. Sefiane, "Coupled water and ethanol vapour transfer to and from volatile ethanol drops in humid air: diffusion model revisited," The 16th UK Heat Transfer Conference (UKHTC2019), Nottingham, UK, 8-10 Sep 2019. [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, H. Zhang, A. Askounis, Y. Takata and K. Sefiane, "Internal flows in pure water drops on a local hot-spot: Onset and growth of thermocapillary instabilities," IUTAM Symposium on Computational Modelling of Instabilities and Turbulence in Separated Two-Phase Flows (IUTAM2019), Dublin, Ireland, 10-12 Jun 2019. [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, C. Mackenzie Dover, A. Askounis, Y. Takata and K. Sefiane, "How water drops walk on superhydrophobic surfaces with wettability contrasts," Surface Wettability Effects on Phase Change Phenomena Workshop (SWEP2), Mons, Belgium, 6-7 Jun 2019 (poster). [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, D. Orejon, Y. Takata and K. Sefiane, "Coupled vapour transfer across ethanol drops in a humid atmosphere," The 2019 Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Micro & Nanoscale Phase Change Heat Transfer, Lucca (Barga), Italy, 3-8 Feb 2019 (poster). [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, "Vapour transfer into ethanol drops drying in a humid atmosphere," The 2019 Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) on Micro & Nanoscale Phase Change Heat Transfer, Lucca (Barga), Italy, 2-3 Feb 2019. [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, D. Orejon, Y. Takata, and K. Sefiane, "Vapour transfer into ethanol drops drying in a humid atmosphere," 71st Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics (APSDFD2018), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 18-20 Nov 2018. [WEB]
- A. Askounis*, H. Zhang, D. Zhang, Y. Kita, G. Nagayama, J. Kim, M. Kohno, Y. Takata, and K. Sefiane, "Influence of localised heating on thermocapillary convection of pure water drops," The 16th International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC-16), Beijing, China, 10-15 Aug 2018 (peer-reviewed, poster). [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, C. Mackenzie Dover, A. Askounis, Y. Takata, and K. Sefiane, "Drop mobility on superhydrophobic surfaces with wettability contrasts," The 16th International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC-16), Beijing, China, 10-15 Aug 2018 (peer-reviewed, poster). [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, C. Mackenzie Dover, A. Askounis, Y. Takata, and K. Sefiane, "Drop propelled by wettability contrasts on microtextured surfaces," The 10th International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer (ICBCHT2018), Nagasaki, Japan, 12-15 Mar 2018 (poster, awarded). [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, A. Askounis, Y. Takata, J. R. Christy, K. Sefiane, and J. Kim, "Thermal/flow visualisation of flows in water drops induced by a microheater," The 15th UK Heat Transfer Conference (UKHTC2017), London, UK, 4-5 Sep 2017 (poster). [WEB]
- A. Askounis*, Y. Kita, Y. Takata, M. Kohno, J. Kim, V. Koutsos, and K. Sefiane, "Do Marangoni flows exist in pure water drops?," The 15th UK Heat Transfer Conference (UKHTC2017), London, UK, 4-5 Sep 2017. [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, A. Askounis, M. Kohno, Y. Takata, K. Sefiane, and J. Kim, "Induction/manipulation of thermocapillary-driven convection in water drops," The 2017 Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Micro & Nanoscale Phase Change Heat Transfer, Galveston, USA, 8-13 Jan 2017 (poster). [WEB]
- D. Orejon*, Y. Kita, Y. Okauchi, Y. Fukatani, M. Kohno, Y. Takata, K. Sefiane, and J. Kim, "Influence of relative humidity and ambient temperature on hydrothermal waves (HTWs) of organic solvent volatile droplets," 69th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics (APSDFD2016), Portland, Oregon, USA, 20-22 Nov 2016. [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, Y. Okauchi, D. Orejon, M. Kohno, Y. Takata, J. Kim, and K. Sefiane, "Condensation of water vapour onto evaporating volatile droplets," The 7th European Thermal-Science Conference (EUROTHERM2016), Krakow, Poland, 19-23 Jun 2016 (poster). [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, A. Askounis, M. Kohno, Y. Takata, K. Sefiane, and J. Kim, "Thermocapillary flows in water droplets induced by laser irradiation," The First Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference (PRTEC2016), Big Island, Hawaii, USA, 13-17 Mar 2016. [WEB]
- Y. Fukatani*, D. Orejon, Y. Kita, Y. Takata, J. Kim, and K. Sefiane, "Effect of ambient temperature and relative water humidity on hydrothermal waves (HTWs) of volatile drops," The First Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference (PRTEC2016), Big Island, Hawaii, USA, 13-17 Mar 2016. [WEB]
- Y. Kita*, Y. Fukatani, D. Orejon, M. Kohno, Y. Takata, K. Sefiane, and J. Kim, "Effect of ambient temperature and relative humidity on evaporating droplets," The Third International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control (IWHT2015), Taipei, Taiwan, 16-19 Oct 2015.
- Y. Kita*, and H. Shiraiwa, "Study on heat transfer characteristics of falling film type heat exchanger (Effect of tube flow condition on heat exchange performance)," The 8th International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics (8th ISEM), Sendai, Japan, 3-6 Nov 2013 (poster, awarded). [WEB]
Research Fundings & Projects
4/2022 – 3/2024 | Investigation of dynamic heat transfer characteristics of dropwise condensation using high-temporal and spatial resolution thermal imaging Grant-in-Aid for Early Career Scientists Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) PI | 4,550,000 JPY |
4/2021 – 3/2022 | Dynamic heat transfer characteristics of dropwise condensation revealed by high-temporal and spatial resolution thermal imaging Research Grant Japan Keirin Autorace Foundation PI | 2,000,000 JPY |
4/2021 – 3/2022 | High-resolution measurement of transient heat transfer by droplets impacting a hot surface—toward hot-spot cooling Research Grant Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Coporation PI | 500,000 JPY |
4/2020 – 3/2022 | 3D thermal/flow measurement for the development of droplet manipulation Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (KAKENHI Grant No. 20K14667) Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) PI | 4,160,000 JPY |
4/2020 – 3/2021 | Hot-spot cooling using inkjet technology Research Grant Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Coporation PI | 500,000 JPY |
8/2019 – 3/2021 | Thermofluid physics of drops for digital microfluidics Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (KAKENHI Grant No. 19K23491) Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) PI | 2,860,000 JPY |
8/2019 – 3/2020 | High-speed and resolution thermal imaging of cyclic dropwise condensation heat transfer Support Programme for Young Researchers Kyushu University Platform of Inter-/Transdisciplinary Energy Research (Q-PIT) PI | 940,000 JPY |
4/2019 – 3/2020 | Study on droplet impingement onto hot surfaces using high-speed and spatial resolution thermal imaging QR Programme -Wakaba Challenge- Kyushu University PI | 1,400,000 JPY |
4/2017 – 3/2019 | Fundamental study on thermal instabilities in drops using infrared thermography/PIV Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows (KAKENHI Grant No. 17J05137) Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) PI | 1,900,000 JPY |
4/2017 – 3/2018 | Drop manipulation for heat transfer enhancement using textured surfaces with controlled wettability Support Programme for PhD Students Kyushu University Platform of Inter-/Transdisciplinary Energy Research (Q-PIT) PI | 300,000 JPY |
Committees / Chairs
- Organising Committee, The 60th National Heat Transfer Symposium of Japan, Fukuoka, Japan, 25–27 May 2023
- Session Chair, "Boiling and Condensation" Session, The 60th National Heat Transfer Symposium of Japan, Fukuoka, Japan, 25–27 May 2023
- Session Organiser and Chair, "Wetting Control and Drop Dynamics" Session, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Thermal Engineering Conference 2022, Tokyo, Japan, 8–9 Oct 2022
- Founidng Session Organiser and Chair, "Understanding and Controlling Drops and Wetting Phenomena" Session, The 59th National Heat Transfer Symposium of Japan, Heat Transfer Society of Japan, Gifu, Japan, 18–20 May 2022
- Founding Session Organiser and Chair, "Wetting Control and Drop Dynamics" Session, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Thermal Engineering Conference 2021, Online, Japan, 9–10 Oct 2021
- Local Committee, Asian Conference on Thermal Science 2020 (2nd ACTS), Online, Japan, 3–7 Oct 2021
- Symposium Chair, Progress 100 Symposium and the Second ThermaSMART Annual Workshop on New Advances and Key Questions on Phase-Change Cooling, Fukuoka, Japan, 2–4 Dec 2019
- Session Chair, "Computational Heat Transfer" Session, The 16th UK Heat Transfer Conderence (UKHTC2019), Nottingham, UK, 8–10 Sep 2019
Peer Review
- Applied Thermal Engineering (19 manuscripts)
- Langmuir (7)
- International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (5)
- Soft Matter (2)
- Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (2)
- Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer (2)
- International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer (1)
- International Journal of Thermal Sciences (1)
- Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (1)
- Applied Physics Letters (1)
- Applied Science (1)
- Journal of Thermal Science and Technology (1)
- Journal of Fluid Science and Technoligy (1)
- Transactions of the JSME (1)
Providing high-quality teaching and professional education is the primary goal of higher education. My motivation of teaching is to help students succeed in their careers. At the same time, I consider teaching as an opportunity to reach out to students, making them interested in the research field, which would eventually be a good investment for my research as well i.e., icreasing chances for studend recruitment. I am reputed to be a passionate and patient teacher acoording to teaching evaluations by students. I have taught undergraduate modules including general and technical ones. I have also taught some modules at postgraduate levels. My teaching aims to help students learn scientific/engineering practice i.e., setting problems, simplying and modelling them, presenting solutions, which is an essential skills engineering students should attain. I am also keen to adapt to effective teaching methods including the use of visual materials, e-learning and new evaluation standards.
-Teaching at King's College London-
2023/2024 | Heat and Mass Transdfer, 6CCE3HMT, 3rd-year Engineering, Module Leader Thermofluids, 5CCE2THF, 2nd-year Engineering, Module Instructor | 2022/2023 | Design: Engagement, 5CCE1ENG, 2nd-year Engineering, Module Instructor |
-Teaching at Kyushu University-
2022/2023 | Heat Transfer I, 3rd-year UG Mechanical Engineering (International), Module Leader KIKAN Education Seminar, 1st-year UG All departments, Module Instructor Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Labs I, 3rd-year UG Mechanical Engineering, Module Instructor Heat and Mass Transfer, PG Mechanical Engineering, Tutorials and Marking Heat Transfer I & II, 2nd-year UG Mechanical Engineering, Tutorials and Marking |
2021/2022 | KIKAN Education Seminar, 1st-year UG All departments, Module Instructor Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Labs I, 3rd-year UG Mechanical Engineering, Module Instructor Heat and Mass Transfer, PG Mechanical Engineering, Tutorials and Marking Heat Transfer I & II, 2nd-year UG Mechanical Engineering, Tutorials and Marking |
2020/2021 | KIKAN Education Seminar, 1st-year UG All departments, Module Instructor Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Labs I, 3rd-year UG Mechanical Engineering, Module Instructor Heat and Mass Transfer, PG Mechanical Engineering, Tutorials and Marking Heat Transfer I & II, 2nd-year UG Mechanical Engineering, Tutorials and Marking |
2019/2020 | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Labs I, 3rd-year UG Mechanical Engineering, Module Instructor Heat and Mass Transfer, PG Mechanical Engineering, Tutorials and Marking Heat Transfer I & II, 2nd-year UG Mechanical Engineering, Tutorials and Marking Advanced Thermal Engineering, PG Mechanical Engineering, Tutorials and Marking Advanced Engineering Analysis and Measurement II, PG All Engineering (International), Instructor for 1 lecture Introduction to Engineering Analysis and Measurement I & II, UG All Engineering (International), Instructor for 1 lecture |
Present | Daniel Gibbons, PhD, King's College London, as Main-supervisor Katie Thomson, PhD, University of Edinburgh, as Co-supervisor |
MEng & MSc (UK)
2023/24 | Fabian Elsony, MSc, King's College London, as Supervisor Zihan Liu, MSc, King's College London, as Supervisor |
2022/23 | Olivia Urrutibehety, MEng Overseas Research Project, University of Edinburgh, as Industrial Supervisor Tom Boyle, MEng Overseas Research Project, University of Edinburgh, as Industrial Supervisor |
2021/22 | Ryan Wyvil, MEng Overseas Research Project, University of Edinburgh, as Industrial Supervisor |
2020/21 | Anushka Kapoor, MEng Overseas Research Project, University of Edinburgh, as Industrial Supervisor |
King's Undergraduate Research Fellows (KURF)
2023 | Aman Vyas, MEng, King's College London, as Supervisor |
MEng (Japan)
Present | Kentaro Tanii, MEng, Kyushu University, as Co-supervisor |
2022 | Kohei Matsushima, MEng, Kyushu University, as Co-supervisor |
2021 | Tomoro Hori, MEng, Kyushu University, as Co-supervisor Yuta Heima, MEng, Kyushu University, as Co-supervisor |
2020 | Shinya Inoue, MEng, Kyushu University, as Co-supervisor Hideaki Ogata, MEng, Kyushu University, as Co-supervisor Mikiya Nakamatsu, MEng, Kyushu University, as Co-supervisor |
Visiting Students
2019 | Zeyu Liu, PhD, University of Nottingham, as Host Li Wang, PhD, University of Nottingham, as Host Yu-Lin Chen, MSc, National Central University, as Host |
Administrative Roles
2023 – present | Member, Health & Safety Committee, Department of Engineering, King's College London |
2019 – 2022 | Member, Safety Committee, International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (WPI-I^2CNER), Kyushu University Member, Common Equipment Subcommittee, International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (WPI-I^2CNER), Kyushu University |